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Most people focus on the inside of their house when they work to implement various home improvements. But if you really want to increase the value and the aesthetic appeal of your home, it’s always a good idea to work on the outside of the home as well. A manicured, attractive exterior can add thousands of dollars of value to any home.
If you have any bushes or shrubs around the home, spending 15 minutes every other month to trim them up will add a lot of appeal to your home without having to do any heavy lifting whatsoever. Once you initially trim your bushes and shrubs, the rest of the work will be simple. You’ll only have to remove a few out of place limbs and leaves.
Whether you have a brick home, stucco or some siding, and regardless of the type of porch or deck you have, a good power washing will do it a lot of good. You don’t even have to buy a power washer. You can rent one for the day for only a few dollars and give the exterior of your home the cleaning it needs.
If you’ve been paying attention to the recent price hikes, then you know that purchasing a new front door will cost you hundreds of dollars. However, for under 20 bucks, you can add a new paint scheme to your door to make it look brand new. Throw in another 20 for some new hardware and you have a great improvement for a fraction of the cost of a new door.
Outside lighting options are always desirable, but many people don’t want to waste the electricity and go through the hassle of wiring them up. This is where solar lights can make a big difference. These lights run independently and draw their power wholly from the sun.
For a very minimal investment, you can spruce up your home’s entryway by purchasing a new welcome mat. Think about something that’s rugged and durable but still attractive. See if you can find something made primarily out of silicon fibers or another easy-to-maintain, rugged material.
Working on the roof is a dangerous job, but if you’re putting the repairs off, you’re going to end up having to replace your entire roof. So make sure you get up there to repair those loose shingles, that broken trim and those hanging gutters. Spend a little time each year checking for loose, damaged spots to repair.
A lot of people think that if their concrete stoop or porch is damaged, then it needs to be replaced. So they inevitably let it fall into a state of disrepair. However, if you hurry up and patch the damaged spots, you can make your stoop look brand new again. Just throw a coat of oil-based paint over it once it’s finished.
If you have flower beds around the home, you should definitely invest a few dollars for some new mulch. Mulch is really affordable and incredibly easy to apply. Just dump it in your flower bed and even it out with a rake. Your kids can even do this while you sit back and supervise.
Instead of installing a new deck, you could always just refinish and reseal the existing deck. If you need to do a lot of work to it, rent a belt sander and spend a day sanding it smooth. Then you can stain it the next day and seal it the next. Your deck will look brand new.
If you have a metal roof, you should definitely think about getting up there to clean up the rust spots and getting rid of the moss. After you clean off the rust, just repaint it using some rust-proof paint.
Following the tips you read above, you can easily make the exterior of your home look attractive. An attractive exterior will add a lot of value to any home.
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How to Easily Improve the Exterior of Your Home